"Yes," Cass managed. "Officer, did I break a law or something?" The suspense was becoming too much to bear and she wanted to get it over with. The officer was beaming at her, obviously taken by her beauty. His gaze wandered downward to her knees where a veiling of nylon reflected the dash-light in thin glimmering lines running up each thigh to the hem of her fur coat.
"Nothin' very important-nothing to worry about."
"May I go on home then?" She hoped that this would be the end of her torment.
"Nope gotta see your driver's license and registration first Miss-- how come you're out drivin' in the Bellingham's car?"
Cass' stomach took one giant leap up into her throat. She felt tears welling up in her eyes as she groped in her pocket-book for her wallet. She did not offer an answer.
"Uh...?" the officer persisted.
She took the registration certificate from her wallet and handed it to the policeman who then tried juggling a flashlight with his armful of traffic tickets and clipboard but gave up:
"Would you mind if I came around and sat in there outa the rain?"
Cass shrugged.
The policeman's plastic rain-slicker squeaked against the leather upholstery as he sat down in the passenger's seat.
"Hah! I was right: Casper W. Bellingham, II. What does the 'W' stand for?" He started writing on one of the green labels and filled in several boxes with check marks. "I'll need your driver's license too." He held out his hand.
Cass dropped her driver's license into his beefsteak hand. “It stands for Winthrop." She mentally held out her hands—ready to be cuffed.
"This ain't your license!"